VITAL Steering Committee
Niklaus Labhardt
Sponsor / Chief investigator
Nadine Tschumi
Principal investigator
Malebanye Lerotholi
Local Principal invesitgator
Mathebe Kopo
Study coordinator
Jennifer Belus
Principal investigator mental health and qualitative sub-studies
Lipontso Motaboli
VITAL Database manager
VITAL Co-Investigators / Collaborators
Moleboheng Mokebe
VITAL District ART nurse
Mpho Kao
Study assistant
Adrienne Shapiro
Expertise tuberculosis
Alastair van Heerden
Expertise social science and eHealth
Ruanne Barnabas
Expertise cost-effectiveness analysis
Seraina Bally
MD student / Clinical advisor
Alain Amstutz
Clinical advisor
Jennifer Brown
Labratory expertise
Ramona Scherrer
VITAL pilot study
Alex Schneider
Development of the VITALapp (Life4me+)
Nico Schefer & Niklaus Holbro
Development of viral load database (VisibleSolutions)
Josephine Muhairwe
PhD student mental health substudy
Ntoiseng Chejane
Former VITAL District ART nurse
VITAL Study physicians
Bienvenu Nsakala
Study physician, Butha-Buthe district
Blaise Lukau
Study physician, Mokhotlong district